Who Can Benefit from a Tonsillectomy?

You have three pairs of tonsils, including the ones you see at the back of your throat. These special organs work as part of your lymphatic system. They protect you from viruses, bacteria, and other particles you inhale.
When your tonsils get infected, you can develop a sore throat. But not every sore throat means you have tonsillitis. And not every case of inflamed tonsils requires surgical removal, or a tonsillectomy.
At Jacksonville ENT Surgery, our board-certified ear-nose-throat (ENT) providers, Charles Greene, MD, PhD, and Tara Condrey, PA-C, specialize in diagnosing and treating sore throats and infected tonsils.
We created this guide to help you learn the signs that indicate you might benefit from a tonsillectomy and the innovative way we perform this delicate surgery.
Understanding tonsillitis
Tonsillitis, or an infection of your tonsils, is the top reason people have tonsillectomies. If you have a sore throat that doesn’t get better after a few days, or if you get frequent sore throats, tonsillitis could be the cause. Only a medical provider can diagnose tonsillitis.
If you experience one or more of these sore throat symptoms, schedule an appointment at Jacksonville ENT Surgery for an evaluation and diagnosis:
- Severe sore throat
- Fever
- Swollen/sore lymph nodes
- Pain or trouble swallowing
- Visible white spots on your tonsils
There are different reasons people develop tonsillitis. Not every case of tonsillitis requires surgical treatment. Sometimes bacteria cause this infection. Your Jacksonville ENT Surgery provider may recommend antibiotics to treat your condition.
Viruses usually cause tonsillitis. In this case, antibiotics won’t help. Your Jacksonville ENT Surgery provider usually recommends treatments to help manage your symptoms, like rest and fluids, before recommending surgery.
Signs you need a tonsillectomy
Your provider uses different criteria to decide if you'll benefit from a tonsillectomy. Tonsillectomy can also treat other conditions that affect your breathing. Here are some signs you can benefit from a tonsillectomy:
- Chronic throat infections (tonsillitis) — at least five infections in one year or three cases a year over two years
- Inability to take antibiotics to treat throat infections
- Having enlarged tonsils that cause issues swallowing or sleep apnea
- Having a growth on one or more of your tonsils (e.g., tumor, cyst)
- Experiencing bleeding of the tonsils
If you have chronic sore throats, be sure to keep track. This helps your provider determine whether you can benefit from a tonsillectomy. Schedule an appointment for an evaluation if you have any of the above signs.
Traditional vs. coblation-assisted tonsillectomy
A tonsillectomy is surgery to remove your tonsils. Traditional tonsillectomies involve using metal surgical instruments to excise (cut and remove) your tonsils. Your wound is left open so it can heal. This can cause pain and bleeding.
Other techniques use electricing to burn and cauterize your tonsils. This also damages the surrounding tissue, leading to additional pain.
At Jacksonville ENT Surgery, our team uses coblation-assisted tonsillectomy. Coblation (controlled ablation) uses low-temperature radiofrequency to precisely heat, destroy, and cauterize the tonsils.
Coblation-assisted tonsillectomies offer many benefits. With this advanced technique, your tonsillectomy takes less time compared to traditional methods. What’s more? You experience less pain and faster healing. There’s also less risk of injuring the surrounding tissue.
Learn more about tonsillectomies and whether this surgery is the right treatment for you by scheduling an appointment online or over the phone at the Jacksonville ENT Surgery location nearest you.
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