All About Minimally Invasive In-Office Balloon Sinuplasty

Did you know your sinuses are hollow spaces in the bones of your face? These cavities around your eyes, nose, and cheeks have an important job: to keep your nasal passages moist. But when the lining of your sinuses gets irritated and inflamed, a sinus infection could result.
While most sinus infections clear on their own, for millions of US adults, they develop into chronic sinusitis, or infections that last longer than three months. Chronic sinus infections are notoriously difficult to treat and can cause painful, frustrating symptoms, including persistent:
- Congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat or other coldlike symptoms
- Thick yellow or green nasal mucus
- Facial pain, redness, or pain in the teeth, ears, and jaw
- Bad breath that doesn’t improve with brushing
- Difficulty tasting and smelling
- Snoring and insomnia
- Headaches and head pressure
- Postnasal drip that can cause a sore throat or hoarse voice
At Jacksonville ENT Surgery with multiple locations in Jacksonville and Lake City, Florida, our board-certified ear-nose-throat (ENT) providers specialize in diagnosing and treating chronic sinusitis. One of the most effective solutions is nonsurgical balloon sinuplasty.
This minimally invasive therapy doesn’t require any cuts or incisions and can be performed right in our office. Keep reading to learn what you need to know about this effective sinus treatment.
How balloon sinuplasty works
At Jacksonville ENT Surgery, our providers use FDA-cleared balloon sinuplasty to address blocked nasal sinuses caused by chronic or recurrent sinusitis. You receive anesthesia to keep you comfortable, but you don’t need to go to the hospital.
Once you’re resting comfortably, your provider threads a small tube through your nostril and into the sinus cavity. Using this tube, they then guide a flexible, small balloon into your sinuses.
When the balloon is in place, your provider slowly inflates the balloon to gently push the bones blocking the sinus opening. This dilates your sinuses and restores normal mucous drainage. Your provider then deflates the balloon.
Depending on your sinuses, your Jacksonville ENT Surgery provider may repeat the process again before deflating and removing the balloon. You’ll stay in the office until you’re cleared to leave.
Your provider may recommend resting at home for a day or two following your treatment and avoiding strenuous exercise for about a week. You should also avoid blowing your nose for 24-48 hours, and you’ll need to rinse your nostrils after the treatment.
You can expect a follow-up appointment within a week or so as well as a few months after your sinuplasty, with a final follow-up visit a year later.
Benefits and risks of balloon sinuplasty
The biggest benefit offered by balloon sinuplasty is an effective and safe way to address chronic sinusitis. There are few complications or side effects, like bleeding, bruising, or swelling, and the recovery is much faster compared to surgical interventions.
There are few risks associated with balloon sinuplasty and few complications. When they do occur, they include nose bleeds and bacterial sinusitis, which can be treated with antibiotics.
For some patients, symptoms can return. If this happens, you may need another balloon sinuplasty, or your provider may recommend surgical intervention.
Candidates for balloon sinuplasty
The best way to learn if you’re a candidate for in-office balloon sinuplasty is by setting up a consultation with a skilled provider, like the team at Jacksonville ENT Surgery. Although everyone is unique, generally good candidates for balloon sinuplasty share the following symptoms:
- Four or more sinus infections in the past year
- Recurrent or chronic sinus infections that don’t respond to medicines
- Disruptive and/or painful symptoms
Good candidates do not have nasal a tumor or nasal polyps and must also be able to tolerate having the treatment while under local anesthesia.
Learn more about in-office balloon sinuplasty and if you’re a candidate for this minimally invasive treatment by scheduling a consultation online or over the phone at Jacksonville ENT Surgery.
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